I give thanks to you, Lord, my king, and I praise you, God my savior. I give thanks to your name, my protection and my helper, who has saved my body from destruction and from the snare of false tongues and lying mouths.
You worked against my enemies with your mercy. You brought me out of the teeth which wanted to devour me, and from then who sought to kill me, and from afflictions, and from the choking heat in the middle of the fire, and from the deep throat of the earth, and from the nations of liars. You have saved me from the arrows of false tongues. I would have almost died; I was surrounded, and found no help from men
Then I remembered your mercy.
For you save all who wait for you.
I asked from the earth for deliverance from death, and I called on the Lord.
I am helpless against the proud.
I praise your name without ceasing; I sing praise you and thank you Lord.
You saved me from destruction.
Therefore I thank you, Lord.
When I was young, unexperienced, and untraveled, I sought wisdom!
I prayed for it in the temple.
My heart rejoices from the blossoming of the grape until it puts forth fruit.
I listened to it and accepted it; I have profited richly. Thank you, my God.
I set out to be zealous for the good.
I lived according to it exactly.
I lifted my hands to the heavens and lamented because I did not always have understanding. I directed my mind towards it, finding purity and gaining insight. My heart demands it; it is my treasure.
The Lord gave me a new tongue as my reward, and I praise him.
Come, be instructed by me you who are inexperienced; you are thirsty.
I opened my mouth and I taught: buy wisdom, for you can have it without having any money.
Bend your necks under her yoke; it is still easy to find.
Look at me: I labored and worked for a short time, and found comfort.
Accept this instruction. Even if it costs you silver, you will gain gold by it.
Rejoice in the mercy of God and do not be ashamed of praising him.
Do what is asked of you as long as you still have time; he will reward you in his time.
Thank God!