The names of the persons who sent it and to whom it was addressed are not mentioned in this Epistle written in the second century. The text begins with a solemn prologue that is explained in the later chapters. The story of the Messiah becoming man is presented in a prophetic manner, with everything in Old Testament as a portent of Christ. The letter was certainly not written by Paul or one of his supporters. As Kurdish influences and also Alexandrian-Hellenistic traits and even those of the Qumran people are woven into the text, it is a matter of dispute, depending of the various theses, whether the Epistle was written for Jewish Christians or Gentile Christians. Hebrews is the name used in rabbinic literature for the Jews born in Palestine (named after celebrated events), while those scattered in the diaspora across all the Roman "world empire" underwent a great deal of suffering (under the Romans). And this is what led Titus to destroy Jerusalem on 29 August in the year 70 A.D. Which also meant the extinction of the Hebrews. The elegant style of the little book is quite unique in the new Testament and could easily be attributed to Apollos of Alexandria who was eloquent and knowledgeable of Scripture. "To the Hebrews" is a term applied much later and has no profound basis. It is only towards the end that the text, which is more of a tract or a sermon, assumes an epistolatory style.