Contend not with a mighty man, and strive not with a rich man. Even kings can be destroyed by gold. Contend not with a man that is full of tongue, and heap not wood upon his fire. Jest not with uneducated men. Do not hold up a man's sins before him when he turns from them. Dishonor not a man in his old age. Rejoice not when your enemies die. Neglect not the discourse of the wise, for they have learned of their fathers.
Kindle not the coals of a sinner, lest you be burned with the flame of his fire.
Go not to law with a quarrelsome man that he not lay a trap for you with your own words. Do not get in the way of a daredevil; he will do according to his own will, and you will be injured.
Fight not with a wrathful man, nor travel alone with him. He could kill you.
Take not counsel with a fool, for he will not be able to conceal the matter. Do no secret thing before a stranger, for you know not what he will bring forth. Open not your heart to every man, and let him not return you a favor.