Desire not a multitude of children if they are wayward; do not delight in sons if they are ungodly.
Trust not in their great numbers, and that they remain alive.
Better one older child than 1,000 godless ones. Better to have no children until you die than to have a godless child.
Fire broke out of the heaps of the godless, and God's anger over disobedient nations.
God damns the prideful and stiff-necked.
So has he punished 600,000 men (Ex. 2 12:37), because they were all unfaithful together.
God is merciful, but he is also full of wrath and will not be mocked. His punishments are terrible.
What the godly man hopes for will not be denied.
Every man will find room with God; each man will find according to his works.