Do not set yourself up above others, if you are made the ruler of a feast.
Sit down with them so that you might enjoy your honor and so you might receive your laurels.
It becomes you to speak as the elder because you have experience.
Do not hinder the musicians. If people are listening to music then do not talk out of turn;
save your wisdom for another time.
Like a ruby shining on a gold ring, so does music adorn a banquet. Like an emerald in a work of gold, so are songs to accompany pleasant wine.
Even you, young man, may speak, if you are asked twice. Say much in a few words, and be as one that knows and yet holds his tongue.
Lightning flashes before the thunder, and favor goes before a modest man. Wake up betimes, hurry home, and be not foolish.
There, enjoy yourself as you most please and give thanks for everything to him who made you and who has satisfied you with his blessings.