Observe the month of Aviv that you keep the passover. For God led you out of Egypt. Slaughter sheep and cows at the place God has selected. Eat no leavened bread for seven days, bread of affliction. You fled Egypt in haste. No meat from the first day shall remain overnight. You may not slaughter everywhere, rather there where the Lord resides, following sunset, so that you cook the meat and eat your fill of it. On the seventh day there is to be an assembly for the Lord. You shall do no work then. You shall count seven weeks and begin to put the sickle to the grain. You shall hold the celebration of weeks for the Lord. And give a tribute of your own accord, according to how the Lord has blessed you. Rejoice in the Lord, you, your son, daughter and your servant and maidservant and the Levites, who live in the city, the foreigner, the widow and orphans. Seven days and the Lord will bless you, your harvest, the work of your hands. Three times a year, all the males must appear before the Lord in the places he has selected for the celebration of unleavened bread, the celebration of weeks and the festival of tabernacles. However, do not come empty handed but each with what he wishes to give. Judges and officials shall be summoned to all the gates of your cities, that they judge the people fairly. Do not bend the law or act partially; accept no gifts. They make one blind, confuse the matter. What is right, that shall you seek. Do not erect a wooden pole as an image, nor a sacred stone.