And Korah, son of Izhar, of the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, son of Peleth, and the sons of Ruben rose up against Moses. As well as 250 men of the children of Israel, well-known and respected people of the congregation.
They gathered together against Moses and Aaron and said: You are going too far. For the whole congregation is holy and the Lord is among them. Why do you raise yourselves above us?
When Moses heard this, he fell on his face and said to Korah and his squad: the Lord will declare who belongs to him tomorrow.
Do the following tomorrow: Take pans and set incense on fire in them. Whoever then does the Lord choose, shall be holy. You have gone too far, you sons of Levi.
Moses said unto Korah: Is it not enough for you that the Lord picked you all out from the congregation of Israel to come near him, so that you may practice your ministry of the tabernacle of the Lord, and stand before the congregation to minister unto them?
He has you and your brethren the sons of Levi, and now you seek priesthood.
You and all your company are causing an uproar. Moses let Dathan and Abiram shout, “But they do not come!”
Is it not enough that you have driven us out of the land of milk and honey, and kill us in the wilderness?
And Moses was very angry and said to the Lord: Respect thou not their offering. I have not received a donkey from them and have not made them suffer. Moses spoke to Korah: You and your squad shall all come before the Lord tomorrow.