And the Lord spoke to Moses and said:
If someone accidentally sins or does something he should not do, or if a priest sins somehow, so that he brings guilt upon the people, he should – for the sin that he has committed – offer a flawless bull to the Lord as a sin offering and bring it to the door of the tabernacle, lay his hand on the animal’s head and slaughter it before the Lord. The anointing priest shall take of the blood of the animal and bring it to the tabernacle, and dip a finger in the blood thus sprinkling seven times before the Lord, on the veil of the holy sanctuary. And pour the blood on the horns of the altar of incense, which stands at the door of the tabernacle. And remove all the fat from the intestines, kidneys, loins and liver and let it go up in smoke. But the skin of the bull and all its flesh, including the head, legs and dung must all be carried out of the camp to a clean place where the ashes are to be thrown out and burned on wood with fire.
But if the whole congregation of Israel sins by mistake and if this is hidden from their eyes, they shall offer a young bull as a sin offering and lay it before the door of the tabernacle. And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands on the animal’s head and slaughter it before the Lord. And as before, the anointing priest shall bring the blood into the tabernacle and do the same as the sin offering. This is the sin offering for the congregation.
However, if a tribal chieftain sins against the prayers of God and is aware of it, he must sacrifice a flawless billy goat, put his hand on the animal’s head before the tabernacle and do the same as with the sin offering.
But if anyone else among the people sins and knows what he has done, he must slaughter a goat in front of the site of the burnt offering as a sin offering.
And the priest shall bring some blood with his finger to the horns of the altar. The rest of the blood shall be poured at the base of the altar. Remove all the fat from the intestines and let it go up in smoke as a lovely fragrance for the Lord, and the priest shall fulfill atonement for him.
But if he wants to bring a lamb for a sin offering, he shall bring a female without flaws and slaughter it by laying his hands where one slaughters a burnt offering, and the priest shall do the same with a finger in the blood. He shall then carry out penance, so that he is forgiven.