And the Lord spoke unto Moses and said: If a man or a woman makes a vow to consecrate themselves before the Lord, he shall abstain from wine and strong drink. He shall not drink any flavoured drinks or strong wine from which the grapes taken are neither fresh nor parched. As long as his vow endures, he mustn’t eat anything from the vine, nor shave his beard but let the hair grow long. During this time, he shall not go near any dead body. He shall not defile himself when his father or mother, brother or sister dies. He shall be holy to the Lord during this time. If someone suddenly dies beside him, he must cut his hair on that day, so that he is clean again: this is the seventh day. On the eighth day he shall bring two turtledoves or other doves to the priest at the door of the tabernacle. The priest shall offer one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and make atonement for him. Then he shall hallow his head that day. He shall bring a one-year-old sheep for a guilt offering. The previous days were in vain. This is the law of the devotees. When the time of a vow is up, he shall be led to the door of the tabernacle and should bring the Lord his offering. A one-year old sheep for a burnt offering, and a one-year-old sheep as a sin offering. A ram without flaws as a thanks offering, a basket of unleavened cakes mixed in the finest flour with oil and unleavened flatbread with oil, and whatever goes with food and drink offerings. The priest shall bring it before the Lord and prepare it. He shall offer the ram as a thanks offering together with the basket of unleavened bread and the food and drink offerings. The devotees must shave their consecrated hair before the door of the tabernacle and throw them under the fire of the thanks offering. The priest shall put a cooked front leg of a ram and cakes on the consecrated hands. The priest shall swing it before the Lord. This is the sacred portion for the priest together with the breast of the swing offering and the leg of the holy offering. Then the devotees shall be allowed to drink wine. This is according to the law of God for devotees.