He that doesn't keep his thoughts to himself is unmerciful; he will not easily escape punishment. Every living creature loves his like; every man loves his neighbor. All creatures consort according to kind, and man will cleave to his like. Like a wolf consorting with the sheep, so is the sinner to the godly! Like a hyena which cannot keep peace with a dog, so is the rich man to the poor. Like the lion eating wild prey in the wilderness, so is the rich man to the poor. As the proud man hates the lowly, so the rich man hates the poor. If a rich man makes a mistake with his words, people still say he is correct. If a rich man speaks, people lift up his words to the heavens! If a poor man speaks, people ask: Who's that? Riches to which no sin clings are good. If someone has something in his mind, you will see it in his eyes, whether it's good or bad! A man with good intentions will look up in a friendly way, but a man with poor intentions will be tortured by malicious thoughts.