And the prophet Elijah rose up like a fire, and his word burned like a torch. He brought famine upon them and shut up the heavens through the word of the Lord. How glorious you were, Elijah, with your wondrous deeds! Through the word of the Most High, you raised a dead man. You brought down kings and honorable men from their beds. You heard the coming rebuke on Sinai, and the judgments in Horeb. You anointed kings and prophets. You were taken away in the storm on a chariot. You were appointed to restore again the tribe of Jacob. Blessed are those passed away having loved you. Elisha was filled with his spirit. Nothing was too difficult for him; when Elisha was dead, his corpse did prophetic deeds. When he was alive he gave signs and did wonders. Nevertheless, the people did not improve, and were driven out of the land and into all the nations. Only a very small group remained, and a ruler in the house of David. Some of them did that which was pleasing to God, but the others multiplied sins.