And the Lord spoke with Moses and said: the Israelites are to take care that they bring their offerings promptly. My burnt food offerings for their pleasing aroma.
Say to them: these are the burnt offerings for the Lord: a yearling lamb, two every day for the daily burnt offering. One in the morning, the other in the evening. Along with a tenth of a bushel of the finest flour mixed with a quarter of oil. And with this, a drink offering of a quarter jug. The wine for the drink offering with the lamb is to be brought into the sanctuary for the Lord. You shall prepare the other lamb towards evening. With a food offering as in the morning, with a burnt offering for the Lord.
On sabbath days two yearling lambs, two tenths of the finest flour for a food offering mixed with oil and for a drink offering. This is the burnt offering for every sabbath.
On the first day of every moon a burnt offering: two young bulls, a ram, seven yearling lambs and two tenths of the finest flour.
As a food offering mixed with oil for every young bull and two tenths of the finest flour as a food offering, mixed with oil. With that a ram and each a tenth of the finest flour as a food offering mixed with oil for each lamb. This is a burnt offering, a fire offering.
For drink offerings: a half a jug of wine for each bull, a third of a jug for a ram, and a quarter jug for each lamb. This is a burnt offering for the new moon. Besides the regular drink and burnt offering prepare a male goat as an atonement offering.
On the fourteenth day of the month is the Lord's passover. On the fifteenth day there is to be a festival. One is to eat unleavened bread for seven days. On the first day there is to be a holy assembly. Do not work! The Lord's burnt offering: two young bulls, a ram, seven yearling lambs together with their food offerings. Three tenths of the finest flour mixed with oil for each bull, two tenths for the ram and one tenth for each of the seven lambs.
With that a buck as an atonement offering, in order to bring atonement for you. You should bring all this there in the morning, but not the burnt offering. In this way you are to prepare the offering as a burnt offering every seven days. On the seventh day there is to be a holy assembly. Do not work!
On the day of the firstfruits, when you offer the new food offerings to the Lord, there is to be a holy assembly. Do not work! The burnt offering for the Lord: two young bulls, a ram, seven yearling lambs together with their food offerings. Three tenths of the finest flour mixed with oil for each bull, two tenths for the ram and one tenth for each of the seven lambs and a male goat as an atonement offering. All this accompanied by its drink offering.