If you have sinned, then stop and ask for forgiveness.
Flee from sin as from a serpent. It will bite you if you draw
too near to it.
Its teeth are like the teeth of a lion, and they kill.
Every sin is a dirty sword, and makes a wound that cannot be healed.
Violence and injustice make the man who practices them a beggar.
Arrogance will drive you out of house and home.
God hears the miserable: his judgment comes speedily.
He who does not listen to anything said to him is already on the path of the godless.
But he who fears God will take it to heart.
He that is mighty in tongue is known afar off, but the man of understanding knows when he slips.
He that builds his house with other men's money collects stones for his own grave.
Even the godless man walks on a path made smooth with stones, but in his end is the pit of Hades.