And so you shall love the Lord, your God and keep his laws, regulations and judgments and his commandments for as long as you live. The teachings of the Lord and his majesty, his mighty hand and outstretched arm, his signs and wonders, which he did to the Egyptians, to Pharaoh, to his entire country. How he drowned the armies of the Egyptians in the Red Sea when they followed you and what he did to you in the desert and the ground opened its mouth and swallowed the people from your midst. Your eyes have witnessed the great works of the Lord.
Keep all the commandments, so you may live long in the country. As the Lord promised your fathers. Your country is not like Egypt, it has mountains and streams that the rain from heaven fills. The Lord, your God takes care of this. If you will obey the commandments, I will provide rain for your country in its season, early rain, late rain, I will give your cattle grass and fruit so that you gather in grain, wine and oil. However, take care that you do not falter and serve other gods for if God's wrath rises you will soon be destroyed. Keep the commandments and the Lord will drive out your enemies and make your people strong. No one will be able to stand up against you. Where the soles of your feet tread, that land shall be yours. Behold, I present you with the blessing and the curse. The first when you obey, the curse, however, if you will not obey. When God now brings you into the land into which you are meant to come to take possession of it, you shall speak the blessing atop Mount Ebal, beyond the Jordan on the path of the sunset in the land of the Canaanites in the Jordan valley. Gilgal across from the oak of Moses. For you will cross the Jordan and take possession of the land that the Lord, your god will give you.