Do not be ashamed of keeping the law and covenant of the Most High. Do not be ashamed of calling the godless right when he is right. Do not be ashamed of rightly distributing a friend's inheritance. Do not be ashamed of keeping exact balances and weights, nor of being satisfied, whether you profit much or a little. Do not be ashamed of profiting when buying and selling with merchants. Do not be ashamed of carefully watching a bad wife, or of locking everything up carefully where others might reach in. Do not be ashamed to count and weigh out everything you distribute, or of writing down all profits and expenses. Do not be ashamed of an old man who contends with the young. So shall you be an upright and respected man. No one knows how many restless nights a daughter can cause her father while she is young. He worries that she might pass the flower of her age, or that her husband might become weary of her. Or, if she is a virgin, he worries that she might be defiled and be with child in his house, or, if she has a husband, that she might transgress and that he might not be able to have a child by her. Keep a strict watch over this kind of daughter, so that you will not have to be ashamed. Do not look for beautiful people, and do not seek the company of women. For as moths come from a garment, so does wickedness come from women. It is better to be with a rude man than with a friendly woman who will cause you to be reviled and mocked.