Gifts and unjust contributions will be blotted out, but honesty will blossom. The possessions of the godless dry up like a brook, or like clean water in the rain. Be joyful. Never demand gifts, for in the end they will also decay. The wishes of the unrighteous are like roots on a sheer rock. But inheritance is like a garden of blessings, and mercy remains forever. A man who lives from his work and is contended has a good life. But he that finds a treasure has it better than both of them. Children's tongues and founding cities both establish a man's name, but a blameless wife is counted above both. Wine and music rejoice the heart, but wisdom is greater than both. Flutes and harps sound beautiful, but a friendly word is better than both. Better a green sowing of seeds than grace and beauty. A wife is better than a friend or companion. Brothers and helpers are good in times of trouble, but almsgiving is a deliverer above both. Good advice is better than gold and silver. The fear of the Lord is above riches and strength. The fear of the Lord is like a garden of blessing, and there is nothing as beautiful as it. It is better to die than beg. A man that looks to the fish belonging to another – his life is not to be counted for a life, for strange meats will grow unclean, and a well-instructed man will be wary of them. Begging tastes good in the mouth of a shameless man, but it will burn like fire in his belly.