Honor a physician accordingly so that you will have him when you need him, for the Lord has created him. The skill of the physician shall lift him up among princes and lords. The Lord creates medicines out of the earth, and a prudent man will look for them. Wood makes bitter water sweet. The Lord has given such skills to man; with them, he heals, and the apothecary makes medicines. When you are sick, pray to the Lord to make you well. Put away wrongdoing, and order your hands aright, and cleanse your heart from all manner of sin. Sacrifice a fattened offering – then let the physician come to you. A time may come in which only the doctor can help you, for they also shall beseech the Lord. He that sins before his maker, let him fall into the hands of the physician. If a man dies, cry for him and lament! Wind up his body and bury him. You should mourn and weep, but be comforted in your sorrow again, so you do not become sad. Of sorrow comes death, and sorrow of heart will bow down the strong. Give not your heart to sorrow. Put it away, for there is no returning again. You are only hurting yourself. When the dead is at rest, cease in mourning for him, for his spirit has departed from him.