Double punishment, the people shall be forgiven. A voice calls out: All the valleys shall be risen up, all the mountains made low. The glory of the Lord shall be revealed. All flesh together is grass, all goods like a flower. The grass is the people - God blows on the flower. Bringer of good news to Zion - bringer of good news to Jerusalem. God will graze his herd, will gather the lambs in his arm, he who measures the water, the sky, the mountains the spirit of the Lord - all that is as nothing before God. With whom do you want to compare God? Make an image – no. He sits on the throne over the circle of the earth. They are like grasshoppers those who live there. Heaven is like a veil, like a tent, it lets things wither when it wants; lift up your eyes to God, for those who wait for the Lord will have new strength like eagles and will be transformed and never tire.