If your brother becomes poor and sells some of his possessions, his kin shall come and redeem him. He must settle the year since he sold it, and what is left to repay the purchaser so that it returns into his possession. But if he can’t, what he has sold must remain in the purchaser’s hands until the Jubilee, when it will be free and come into his possession once again. Anyone who sells a house in a walled city has a whole year’s period to redeem it again. If he does not, the buyer shall keep it forever. But if it is a house in the country without a wall, then the same shall be expected as with the field and can be redeemed in the Jubilee. However, the cities of the Levites and their homes can always be redeemed. If one of the Levitees does not do this however, the sold house shall be free in the Jubilee. Even the pastures of their cities may not be sold, because it is forever property. If your brother beside you becomes impoverished and can no longer sustain himself, so thou shalt take him in as a stranger or resident alien so that he may live with you, and take no interest or charge him not, but fear thy God that thy brother can live with you. Honour thy impoverished brother and do not use him as a slave, but as a day labourer or a resident alien, until the Jubilee. Then he shall come out with his children and return to his family and his fathers. For they are my servants whom I brought out of the land of Egypt; you shall not rule over them with harshness, but fear your God. If you want to have male and female slaves, thou shalt buy of the peoples and resident aliens around you. This property shall also be bequeathed to your children forever. But not of your brothers. If a stranger or resident alien comes into your ownership, and your brother becomes poor beside him and sells the stranger or resident alien, he should have the right to be free again, and one of his brothers, his uncle or cousin or some other next of kin of his family shall redeem him. But if he can muster enough, then he shall redeem himself. He must credit this with his buyers and sell in the year of the Jubilee. The money is to be calculated according to the number of years he had been a day labourer with them. If there are still many years till the Jubilee, he shall correspondingly refund more of the money for which he was sold, for his redemption. If there are few years till the Jubilee, he shall correspondingly calculate and report less to his redemption. As a day labourer, he shall be with him from year to year without harshness.If, however, he is not redeemed in this way, he shall go free with his children in the year of the Jubilee. Because the children of Israel belong to me as servants!