He who fears the Lord will have honor. The Lord looks on them who honor him. The rich, the poor, the great, and the lowly all glory in only one thing: that they fear God. It is not right to dishonor a poor man that has understanding or a godless man just because he is rich. A wise servant must serve his master, and if he is wise he will not grumble about it. Be not over wise in doing your work, and glorify not yourself in the time of your distress. Better to work and become rich from it than to glorify yourself and remain a beggar. Glorify yourself in meekness! Do not believe yourself to be less than you are. He who dishonors himself will receive no glory and no honor. If a poor man is praised for his knowledge, how much more is knowledge praised in a rich man. And he that is inglorious in riches, how much more in poverty?