Order from Nebuchadnezzar: some children of the royal offspring, noble extraction, free of defects, young, beautiful, gifted, wise, clever, endowed with knowledge, and capable of serving at court in three years: Renamed by Nebuchadnezzar as: 4 from Judah: Daniel - Beltschazzar Hananiah - Schadrach Mischael - Meschach Azariah - Abednego Fed with royal food and wine and other things. Daniel refused this, drank water and ate vegetables as did the other three. The Prophet Daniel (God is my judge) The book of Daniel originated in the late Maccabean period; The first four chapters are written in a very old Aramic. Was born into a noble family from Judaea. Was taken in captivity to Babylon where he was put into service after three years training in the royal court of Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel held onto his faith under difficult conditions. He was extremely talented in soothsaying with the help of visions. He was a wise, righteous man and was given the royal name “Beltschazzar”. But Daniel is probably a man from early times from the Ugarit legend of Aquat. 165 B.C. The book of Daniel is the sixth in the series of prophets. Chapters 1-6 contain the story during the exile. Chapters 7-12 contain four visions