If you are doing well, you will not truly know your friends. If you are doing poorly, the enemy will not be hidden, for he is grieved at your prosperity. Friends withdraw when you are doing poorly. Never trust your enemy, for his wickedness remains like rust on iron. Though he humble himself, remain mistrustful and do not bring him close to you, lest he overthrow you and stand in your place. Do not do anything you will regret. Who will pity a snake charmer bitten by a serpent, or a wild beast tamer who is torn to pieces? So will it be for him who will go to a sinner and is associated with him in his sins. For a while he will abide with you, but if you give way he will not hold out. The enemy is already planning how to throw you into a pit, even if he weeps with his eyes or acts in a friendly way to you. He is waiting for your blood! If adversity meets you, you will find him there before you as though he would help you, but he would trip up your heel. He is not giving you applause; though he claps his hands, he is mocking you, and showing you his true face.