When David was a little past the top, behold, Ziba met him with a couple of saddled donkeys, and on them there were two hundred loaves, one hundred raisin cakes, one hundred fresh fruits and a container of wine. David asked, “What do you mean by these?” Ziba answered, “These are for the king in the wilderness.”
When David came to Bahurim, a man of the family of Saul came out from there, whose name was Shimei, and cursed David and all his servants. Shimei shouted, “Be gone, you blood hound, you wicked fellow! You are caught by your own mischief.” Abishai the son of Zeruiah wanted to cut off the “dead dog’s” head. But David held him back. “Let him curse. The Lord has commanded him to do it. My son, who came from my body, seeks my life.” So David went with his men and came weary to the Jordan and rested there.