Now shall all give thanks to God (God, who does all of the great things everywhere, who has kept us alive from our mother's womb, and who does all good things to us). May he grant us a joyful heart, and give us eternal peace in our days in Israel. May his mercy always remain with us and may he hear us as long as we live. Two nations are detestable to me, and the third isn't a nation at all to me, the nation on the mountain of Samaria, and the Philistines, and the foolish people from Sichem. I have written instructions for wisdom and understanding in this book. I, Jesus, the son of Eleazar, the son of Sirach, from Jerusalem allowed this wisdom to pour out of his heart. Blessed is he who practices it! He who takes it to heart shall become wise. For, if he do them, he shall be proficient in all things, for the Lord's light leads him.