Joshua, the son of Nun, was valiant in war, and was the successor of Moses
in prophecies. (Joshua = the Lord saves). He did great things to save the chosen ones of God.
How gloriously he stood, stretching out his hand against the cities.
The sun stood still at his command, and one day was as two.
The Lord made hail fall on his enemies when he called out to him. And the heathen recognized by his weapons that the Lord was with him.
In the time of Moses, he and Caleb, the son of Jephunneh worked together
to suppress the murmuring of wickedness among the people.
Therefore, only the two of them remained alive from the 600,000 men
to bring their people into a land flowing with milk and honey.
And the Lord gave his full strength to Caleb even into his old age, so that he could go up into the mountains and all Israel could see how good it is to obey the Lord.
And the judges, may their bones flourish green where they lay, their names will be praised and handed down to their children.
Samuel established a kingdom and anointed princes over his people.
He judged the congregation according to the laws of God, and proved himself loyal and faithful.
He called on the almighty when his enemies pressed him round about.
And the Lord thundered down on the Philistines.
Before he died, he testified that he had taken no money from anyone, not even so much as a shoe.
And when he died, he prophesied the end of the king on the earth.