Keeping God's commandments is a true sacrifice. Honoring God's commandments is a true thank offering. Thanking God is a true burnt offering. Practicing mercy is a true offering of praise. Departing from wickedness is a service to God which pleases him, and departing from unrighteousness is a true atoning sacrifice. You should not appear in the house of the Lord empty-handed, but rather do all things because of the commandments. A righteous offering makes the altar fat; it is pleasing, and will not be forgotten. Whatever you give, give gladly. Give unto the Most High as he has given to you, for the Lord, who forgives, will recompense you sevenfold. Do not bring your gifts in order to bribe God, for he will not accept them. Do not rely on an unrighteous sacrifice, for the Lord is a judge who sees all persons exactly alike.