I and II Kings
As history books of the Old Testament, they cover the time of the Israelite and Judean kings from about 960 to 560 B.C. They were written somewhere between 560 and 538. They were originally bundled together deuteronomistically as a unit with the books of Samuel.
Beginning with the battle over King David's successor, they finish with the end of the Babylonian captivity. The sources were edited during the time before they were translated into Greek. The theological meaning of the events fully demonstrates the guilt of the kings for the downfall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the plan of God, and therefore emphasizes the importance of the prophets, and thus set the Deuteronomic ideal for a guiding memorial.
October 27, 1999
Actually, I am very shocked by the faithless attitudes of one king after another toward God. Certainly there were exceptions in the two kingdoms of Judah and Israel. But the overall behavior of these (states) nations is still very dubious. Full of blasphemy and idolatry, filled with hard hearts, in which there is no place for faith in God.
One really should not be surprised about the Babylonian captivity, which was still quite humanely administered by Nebuchadnezzar. No other nation in the known world at that time had brought so much guilt upon themselves.
The arrogance of many kings was disgusting and abhorrent