I love the Lord,
who has heard my loud cry for mercy.
The cords of death surrounded me,
and the fear of Sheol had a hold of me.
I found trouble and sorrow.
Then I called on the name of the Lord:
“Oh, Lord, save my life!”
The Lord is merciful and gracious;
I was in need and he brought me aid.
Return to rest, my heart.
For the Lord has delivered me from death,
dried my tears,
and protected my feet from falling.
I will walk the path to the land of the living.
Song – a sacrifice of thanks
I believed, therefore I said
“I am so greatly afflicted.”
In my haste, I said “All people are liars.”
What can I give to the Lord for all his benefits towards me?
He has done great things for me.
I will take up the cup of salvation.
I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.
Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his saints.
I am a servant,
son of your servant girl, oh Lord,
and you have freed me from my chains.
I will offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving,
and will call on your name, oh Lord!
In the courts of the Lord's temple,
in your midst, Jerusalem.